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We’re Passionate about Fish

Whether a quick-fix after work, soaking up the last of the day’s rays, or a leisurely weekend afternoon with the full brood, we have the inspiration for making the tastiest dishes and in no time at all.

You see, we’ve done most of the matchmaking for you, pairing delicious sauces with top notch quality fish fillets – though, if you fancy going freestyle, we have separate portions of lovely fresh sauces to tickle your fancy too.

How long you spend on your dish is up to you… If you’re a cooking novice, give our Foil Bake Bags and Saucy-centred Fishcakes a whirl, or if you like doing a bit, try our sumptuous Fish and Sauce Pairings and fresh Sauce portions.

Meanwhile, if you’re quite the culinary whizz, then we have THE place for you – The Dock, by Saucy Fish, is a little like an online recipe book loaded with foodie goodies including recipe videos, cooking how-to’s and lots more to try out at home!

Did we mention that we’re passionate about fish? This also means that we care. You can rest assured that all of our fish products have been sourced from sustainable fisheries committed to the welfare of fish stock and responsible fishing. We make sure that from water to plate, each step our seafood takes is an ethical one.

Here at The Saucy Fish Co. we’re passionate about fish, sauce and the magic that happens when the right combinations come together – add to the mix a good helping of sunshine, and the outdoors, and the chase is on for the endless summer to enjoy the simple pleasures in life – tasty food with good company!

Find out more at www.thesaucyfishco.com

Find us on Facebook /TheSaucyFishCo