© Brand Belief & Gastro Alfresco promoting a sensible and informed attitude towards the enjoyable and responsible consumption of alcohol and food.

On your marks; get set; come on, have a go 

it’s the Alfresco Games!

There’s a lot going on this summer, but you don’t have to miss-out, as you can join in the fun, right there at-home, with the garden-based Alfresco Games.

To celebrate this summer of sport, Gastro Alfresco has created a whole series of fun games, but based on firm, outdoor favourites. You can play these Alfresco Games right there in your own backyard or garden, or subject to bye-laws in your local park, or open-space. Your games can be as competitive as you like or just plain and simple fun and anyone can participate.

What’s more we’re encouraging everyone to get involved and for people to create their own local Alfresco Games activities, pitching friends, family, neighbours, work colleagues, even streets against each other. The idea is to have fun, enjoy yourself and maybe even collect some money for your favourite local charity.

What's more if you post pictures of your event on our website and let us know the results of the various events and who won, you could even win a Gastro GoodiBox, or a personalised Golden Frisbee, complete with your name!