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Percol – Award-winning Coffee

What sets Percol apart from the others? Is it the awards? The fact that it is British, Independent and proud? Or is it perhaps a more fundamental quality that we can understand by asking a simpler question?  What makes great produce taste great?

Chances are your favourite meal is home-cooked, full of quality comfort and character. It’s no secret that the best chefs use the best ingredients, grown with care from the start. At Percol, we’ve always ‘listened to the bean’, and continue to discover coffees that are grown in unique environments perfect for producing coffees, each with an individual character and taste.

The beans used for our award-winning Percol coffees are not sourced from large commercial estates; instead we search out small plantations in different regions of Central and Southern America and Africa. Smaller plantations such as these are often run by the indigenous populations and where possible, we choose organically grown beans and buy on Fairtrade terms. The various climates and naturally rich soil allow the coffee to develop its full, natural character and the red cherries are picked only when they are ripe and ready for harvesting. Who better to decide when the cherries are just right, than the farmers who have nurtured them and watched over them from the beginning? Each cherry is carefully hand-picked by the coffee farmers to ensure that only those that are perfectly ripe, developed and full of flavour will go into making Percol's award winning coffees.

There is no denying it; Percol produces some of the best tasting coffees you can buy. With all the extra TLC that goes into our coffee from seed to cup, it’s no surprise it tastes so good! 

Find out more at www.percol.co.uk

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Over 40 Top Industry Awards for Taste & Quality

Hand-picked quality