© Brand Belief & Gastro Alfresco promoting a sensible and informed attitude towards the enjoyable and responsible consumption of alcohol and food.

“My Percol Adventure started long ago. While travelling the world I visited many countries and met countless inspiring people living a life far removed from my own. I spent time in coffee growing areas where each country’s unique culture and landscape fascinated me but where I witnessed the poorest of living conditions and the struggle that farmers faced to support their small coffee farms and their families. Yet these small holder farmers were producing some of the best coffees in the world. Without support, they would surely not only lose their livelihood but we too would lose all the wonderful coffees we enjoy today.

Percol has won 6 Business in the Community 'Big Tick' Awards, in 6 consecutive years, for its contribution to charity

Our commitment to this ongoing charitable support is a reflection of our appreciation for the farmers and communities that have given Percol its award-winning coffees. This way everyone wins!’’

Brian Chapman, Founder

Since then, we’ve remained dedicated to helping these farmers and their communities, firstly through the ’Fairtrade Foundation’ where we pay a premium to the farmers for their coffee beans and secondly through Percol’s own foundation ’Good for Life® Charity’ which supports healthcare, education and microcredit projects focussing on helping mothers and their children and bettering the lives of future generations.