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Great sauces - great recipes


A fresh tasting, cooling salad which is deliciously fragrant and fruity. A wonderful, light summer dish, which is great, served with chicken, fish or vegetables.


Preparation time: 20 minutes – Cooking time: 5 minutes – Serves 2

What you need

200g peeled king prawns, raw

1 garlic clove, sliced

1 tbsp olive oil

For the salad:

½ cucumber, peeled lengthways

1 carrot, peeled lengthways

6 water chestnuts, thinly sliced

½ mango, cut into strips

2 handfuls of rocket leaves, pea shoots, Swiss char

50g raw sugar snap peas, shredded

10g torn mint leaves

For the dressing:

2 tbsp Encona Indian Sweet Mango Chilli Sauce

2 tbsp natural yoghurt

1 tsp coriander, chopped

2 tbsp water

What you do

• In a large bowl add all the salad and vegetables and give them a mix, leave to one side.

• Heat the olive oil in a frying pan.

• Cook the prawns for 3-4 minutes with the garlic and transfer to the salad.

• Finally mix the yoghurt with the Encona Indian Sweet Mango Chilli Sauce, water and coriander, drizzle over the salad, give everything one last toss and serve.





Fragrant and tangy, these chilli crabcakes are absolutely delicious. Be sure to cook up several batches as these will undoubtedly prove very popular amongst family and friends!


Preparation time: 20 minutes - Cooking time: 4-5 minutes – Serves 4

What you need

2 tins of white crab meat, drained

1 tin of brown crab meat, drained

1 tbsp corn flour

100g fine breadcrumbs

1 egg white, lightly whisked

5 tbsp Encona Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce

(add a little more if you like it hotter)

Juice of 1 lime

2 spring onions, finely chopped

1 tbsp coriander, finely chopped

Salt and milled black pepper

What you do

• In a large bowl lightly break up the crab with a fork. Stir in the corn flour and breadcrumbs. Season with salt and milled black pepper.

• Add coriander, spring onions, lime juice, egg white and Encona Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce and combine all the ingredients together, trying not to break the crab up to much.

• Divide the mixture into eight equal parts and shape into little patties.

• Dust a tray or plate with a little corn flour and place the crab cakes on.

• Chill in the fridge for 15 minutes.

• Gently heat the groundnut oil over a low to medium heat and cook the crab cakes for 4-5 minutes until golden.

• Drain on kitchen roll and serve whilst hot with Encona Thai sweet Chilli Sauce, lime wedges and fresh coriander.

Note: You will need a heavy based frying pan with approximately 1cm of groundnut oil for cooking the fish cakes.